Thursday, December 18, 2014

Ladies!!! How To Decently Tell A Guy You Love Him???

Like is this really something to be weary of.. Yea it's true if you tell/show a guy how you feel he just might shy off or take you for granted.. But have you thought of the disadvantage of not telling him??? I can only imagine the trauma when he introduced somebody else to you someday as his girlfriend..

A Nairanlander actually drew my attention to her post and let's just say this is my own way of advising her.. See her post below;

I'm in love with a guy, we ve been friends for a while now but we beginning to get intimate and my feelings are rapidly developing for him, I really want to share how I feel with him but am scared that this might  just freak him out and he may just run away or things could get awkward between us..

But I believe telling someone how u feel either u a guy or a girl is the right thing to do.. I rily do need to know if I should tell him how I feel or just keep my feelings till he tells me if he has feelings for me.. I believe some guys find it awkward when gurls tell dem how dey feel about them... what will u advice I do pls?

Well am not a love doctor or perfectionist but you tend to lose more not telling him than telling him.. And if you must do so,  make it a face to face conversation and not by chat or call.. Godspeed as you make that one decision that might be the best decision you ever take in your life..

As for the outcome; something to console you just in case he doesn't feel the same wa you do.. 'Every one Dissappointment takes you one step to your appointment.. So close that door cause he just wasn't the right guy for you and open the next..

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