Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Top 9 Women HABITS Men Hate

The most common cliche in Nigeria today is "Who no like woman"– No doubt men love the ladies. But there are certain things that women do that men just can’t get with. Some of these things are habits and some are things that women just do.... ladies brace yourselves as I list them below... Guys sit back and relax as I speak your mind below..

1. Asking us how we feel: We don’t like to talk about our feelings. We will show you, so please stop asking and pay attention.

2. It annoys us when you freak out when we don’t call, especially the day after the night you gave up the booty. It doesn’t mean that’s all we wanted. It could mean that, but it probably doesn’t so please do not blow upmyphone and dis me on Twitter.

3. Changing how we look: As long as we’re not wearing dirty clothes or smelling like the gym. Please don’t try to tell us how to dress.

4. Talking after work. Talking after se’x. Talking after dinner. We want to know how your day went, really we do. But not after we walk in the door after a hard day’s work and not when we are sleepy (after se’x and after dinner).

5. Being a handyman. A lot of us went to school to study things like communications, business and technology, so we probably don’t know how to fix the sink or change the oil in the car. Shoot! We call AAA just like you do when we get a flat tire!

6. Asking us if you look fat: We’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t. If we say you do, you get mad and stomp off. And if we tell you don’t, you say we’re lying and stomp off.

7. Crying to get Attention: Never try to win an argument by crying. Only cry when it’s sincere.

8. Calling us cute names: Ugh. We practically hate the word “cute!” And don’t call us boo boo, sweetie pie or any other bedroom names when you need a favour... We no the wash!!! we no the rules!!!

9. Using the booty as punishment: I rest my case here... Before a won finidi start judging me....

>>> Ladies before you start writing all the things about what you about your Guy cause he is laughing at you.. Calm down for the next post on [Things ladies hate about men] <<<

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